“Do not fret, it only
leads to evil”. Psalm 37:8
Them’s fightin’ words.
And here is the greatest enemy to courage in my everyday
life. Worry.
I’ve often said if I didn’t have something to worry about I’d
make something up. Anxiety is such a
dominant gene in my family history it’s a wonder more of my ancestors didn’t
land in mental institutions (and some did, no joke).
Worry has robbed me of countless days, months…God help me,
years of joy, peace and service to others.
I am growing and changing by the grace of God, yes I
am. But what is it about that particular
stronghold that, when it gets it’s talons in hard, ruins people’s lives?
This is a hard sub-subject to write about in this 31 day
challenge because this is the area where I fail with greatest dispatch.
And where I need to seek courage with ongoing endurance. Worry is to courage what water is to
fire. But courage is to worry what the
law of aerodynamics is to the law of gravity.
Courage can always rise above.
Courage has won the day in many an anxious heart.
Almost 5 years ago, my husband and daughter were nearly
killed by a drunk driver. For our girl,
the road since then has been bumpy, steep and scary beyond what I can express
here. When I say I have cried out for
courage it is an understatement in the extreme.
Every day I place that beloved child into the hands of her relentlessly
loving Heavenly Father and exhale with surrender. I don’t do it perfectly. But this difficult trip has been the
birthplace of courage for me…this soaring over the fields of worry to the high
places of trust. No matter what happens.
What is it for you?
What worry is strangling you? The
Great One is always telling us to cheer up, look up and buck up! He promises to
be with us, to give us strength in our weakness and to love us through every
failure. Courage today might look as relatively
small as facing your closet disaster, or as big as putting your disabled child
square in the hands of God. It might be
having a conversation that’s long overdue, or trying again to find a job after
significant unemployment.
In the end, worry leads to nothing good and courage leads to
everything worth anything.
There’s not been a single blog post in these 31 days so far
that applies more to the writer.
And believe me when I tell you, it’s fight of my life.
How I need your prayers.
Your friend on the pilgrim road,
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